Blog Help me with my FEELINGS and EMOTIONS.

July 17, 2018by admin0

The world EMOJI day celebrates the different emoticons that represent our emotions. But what are the basic emotions that we feel??

JOY: feeling happy. This emotion is often overlooked by us. 

Practice Gratitude to feel more joy.

FEAR: feeling scared. This is how all of us have felt during an exam.

Practice Deep breathing to calm your nerves.

ANGER or RAGE: feeling angry. Fuming. How we all feel when someone doesn’t stick to their words.

Practice Deep breathing and other Anger management techniques to cool down.

SADNESS: feeling low. How a person feels after a break up.

Practice happiness evoking techniques to fight the blues.

DISGUST: feeling something is wrong or nasty. How we feel when someone does an activity that we deem morally wrong.

Practice Mindfulness to be more aware of what makes you feel disgusted

SURPRISE: being unprepared for something. How we feel when someone drops in over unnaounced.

Practice Acceptance to deal with surprising situations.

TRUST: a positive emotion. How we expect to feel towards those we love and respect.

Practice Trust building activities in your relationships.

ANTICIPATION:in the sense of looking forward positively to something which is going to happen. It can be a positive and negative emotion, depending on how you perceive it.

Try to inculcate Positive point of view when anticipating. Laws of attraction state that if we anticipate good news, we are more likely to get it.

Often we confuse our emotions for our thoughts. This gets us into trouble cause FEELINGS ARE NOT THOUGHTS. Notice this the next time.

So how are you feeling today? What is your emotion at this particular moment?



Dr.Era Dutta

MD Psychiatry, MBBS

Consultant Neuropsychiatrist and Therapist

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