Articles 5 Tips To Fight Gadget Addiction

January 11, 2017by admin

Welcome to Mind Wellness – 5 tips section. Like always, we discuss 5 easy hacks to make your life simpler and ensure #mind # wellness.

The 5 tips are to avoid excessive Gadget use (mobile, televisions, ipad, gameboy, tablets, portable game players). They are simple, and effective, provided you really want to cut down your and your children’s screen time.


1.No gadgets in bed

The idea is to “disconnect” before sleeping. If your phone would keep buzzing, you would be compelled to take a look. So keep those cellphones out of arm’s length, plug them to the charger away, set an alarm and sleep.


2. Teach your gadgets to warn you

You can teach this old dog a new trick. Programme them to auto shut off (even older televisions have this programme). Similarly, download an app on your cellphone to monitor your usage, and let it warn you when you go over board.


3. Don’t use two gadgets at the same time

Gadget addiction is a reality in today’s day and age. Having access to too many technological gadgets simultaneously over-stimulates the brain, and divides concentration. In no way can this multi-tasking lead to any increase in productivity.


4. Turn off the notifications

This one is life changer. In a world full of gadgets pinging around us, try the “NO ping” approach. It saves you alot of distraction during conversations, driving, meetings and studying.

For those who find this hard, remember that Facebook won’t miss you too much if you don’t check it for a few hours. Neither would Twitter be devoid of content without your opinion


5. No gadgets at dinner table

Family that eats together stays together. Make a house rule to keep away gadgets while on dinner table, and yes this also means no TV time. It is worthwhile to connect with family and ask how their day was. Probably the toughest, but most effective, for the children to get some “family-time”.


Dr.Era Dutta ( MD Psychiatry, MBBS)

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